Misusing your equipment

I was talking to a company in the Agricultural machinery sector when I discovered something that shocked me.

They spend six figure sums fixing warranty claims for one of their product lines.

When the claim first comes in, they generally just sent out a replacement part.

And when the second or third from the same customer comes in, they’ll have to send an engineer out.

Pretty pricey, when your customers are all over the world.

Thing is, most of the time the engineer gets there, accesses the logged data and finds that there’s been a misuse of equipment.

So they’ve changed things. They’ve built removable memory into their equipment, so in the first instance now, they just ask the customer to unplug the token and post it back.

Then, they can analyse the data and confirm if the warranty claim is genuine.

And if it’s not, then they’ll save a whole bunch of money as they can bill for the engineer’s visit.

Could a similar solution save you money in your business? If so, let me know and let’s talk it through