A Proprietary Solution Provides High Security Beyond USBs

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Data security is essential in sensitive environments such as hospitals, financial services and government organisations. USB-based malware attacks are not uncommon in today’s digital society and according to a new report from Mandiant, researchers say in the first half of this year they’ve seen a three-times increase in attacks using compromised USB drives. One case in point is a European…

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Make data invisible – Flexxon X-Mask™

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In today’s digital age, data security has become a top priority for individuals and businesses alike. With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches, safeguarding sensitive information has become more crucial than ever before. Flexxon, a leading innovator in flash storage solutions, has taken a giant leap forward in this area with the introduction of their revolutionary product –…

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Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) tamper proof technology

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The chances are you know that WORM stands for write-once-read-many times. A WORM kit improves data security in the workplace and in your embedded systems. Data cannot be erased or manipulated once written to Flexxon’s Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) SD cards and microSD cards, and in-built, unalterable data storage functions recognise the difference between a legal and an illegal action. Legal actions…

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Why and Where to Use an Encrypted USB Memory Stick?

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The difference between an encrypted and unencrypted memory stick An encrypted USB drive and a memory stick (also known as a USB flash drive) are both portable storage devices that use USB technology to transfer data between computers. However, there are some important differences between the two technologies. Security: Encrypted USB drives offer greater security than memory sticks. Encrypted USB…

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Securing Your Data at the Hardware Level

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In part 1 of this securing embedded memory blog, we considered how your data is at risk and concluded that security needs to start at the hardware level. And as your IIoT’s data resides in memory, that’s the best place to start. Isolation through partitioning is key to securing embedded memory. Partitioning is also great for achieving higher reliability and…

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How secure is your data

How Secure Is Your Data?

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In our increasingly connected world, embedded systems, such as those at the heart of IoT and IIoT devices, need to carry sensitive data. Accordingly, if you’re an embedded systems designer, you’re advised (certainly by us) to not only make security a priority from the start but also to think beyond just software measures. Securing embedded memory is the ideal starting…

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How to Secure Embedded Memory

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In an earlier blog I discussed the security challenges for embedded memory and stressed that making products, such as IoT-enabled devices, more secure should be taking a much higher priority than it currently is. And in another blog, I outlined how embedded memory might be attacked and offered some simple solutions. Now, it’s time to discuss how to secure embedded…

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Is your facility connected? You are then at risk…

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IoT-enabled devices used in industrial applications are vulnerable to many forms of cyberattack. Michael Barrett, managing director of Nexus Industrial Memory, outlines some ways in which devices might be attacked and suggests how they can be made more secure.   Security is a growing concern for the IoT and its industrial counterpart (the IIoT) so I won’t recount any numbers,…

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Security Challenges For Embedded Memory

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In an earlier blog I discussed how embedded memory might be attacked through a forced memory buffer overflow, and I indicated how to protect against such an attack. However, while the countermeasures I suggested are relatively simple ones, certainly at the engineering level, there are other methods of attack which are harder to thwart. Also, the bigger picture of implementing…

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Embedded But Exposed

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With more and more operational technology systems becoming IoT-enabled, the attack surface for cyberattacks is getting larger. Michael Barrett, Managing Director of Nexus Industrial Memory, discusses threats and solutions. In the world of consumer electronics, the internet of things (IoT) provides authorised users with remote access to a wealth of smart appliances. Similarly, the industrial IoT (IIoT) provides authorised users…

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