Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) tamper proof technology

The chances are you know that WORM stands for write-once-read-many times. A WORM kit improves data security in the workplace and in your embedded systems.

Data cannot be erased or manipulated once written to Flexxon’s Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) SD cards and microSD cards, and in-built, unalterable data storage functions recognise the difference between a legal and an illegal action. 32GB WORM USB

Legal actions include creating directories and adding files. Stick to those and you’re fine.

Illegal actions include trying to rename a directory or file, trying to delete a directory or file, trying to reformat the memory and trying to clone the device. Try any of those and the whole card goes into lockdown mode.  Very smart, and super important in today’s data sensitive world.

Non-WORM data storage devices can be modified countless times and are only limited by the lifespan of the device, as modification involves physical changes that may cause wear to the device. The “read many” aspect  permits unlimited reading of data once written.

What is write-once-read-many technology used for?

WORM technology is commonly used for storing data that needs to be kept for a long time, such as legal documents, financial records, and medical records, where the integrity of the data is critical and it must not be altered or deleted. This technology is often used in conjunction with optical storage devices, such as CD-Rs, DVD-Rs, and Blu-ray Discs. WORM kits are taking off in a broader sense too, with many embedded systems designers discovering the significant benefits offered by the technology.  Write-once-read-many technology is already finding traction in the legal, financial and security sectors – and we predict it’s going to take off in the much wider business IT sense too as well as designed into embedded systems (e.g. security and fire panel, EPOS terminals etc.)

Write-once-read-many technology is also used in some types of computer systems and software applications to ensure that certain data or files are not modified or deleted accidentally or intentionally. For example, some email archiving systems use WORM technology to ensure that email messages are stored and preserved in their original form, and cannot be deleted or altered once they have been archived.

There are several applications that use WORM technology, including:

  • Archiving: WORM technology is commonly used in archiving systems to store data that must be preserved in its original form for a long period of time, such as legal documents, financial records, and medical records.
  • Email archiving: Email archiving systems often use WORM technology to ensure that email messages are stored and preserved in their original form, and cannot be deleted or altered once they have been archived.
  • Compliance: WORM technology is often used in compliance applications to ensure that data is stored in a tamper-proof manner, and cannot be modified or deleted once it has been written to the storage medium. This is particularly important in industries such as finance, healthcare, and legal, where regulations require that certain types of data be stored for a specified period of time.
  • Digital forensics: WORM technology is sometimes used in digital forensics applications to store evidence that may be presented in court. WORM technology ensures that the evidence is stored in a tamper-proof manner, and cannot be modified or deleted once it has been collected.
  • Data backup: WORM technology can be used in data backup applications to ensure that backup copies of data are stored in a tamper-proof manner, and cannot be modified or deleted once they have been created. This helps to ensure that backups are reliable and accurate, and can be used to restore data in the event of a disaster or data loss.

Flexxon are pioneers of WORM technology

Flexxon are the pioneers of Write-Once-Read-Many USB drives which are specifically built for applications where data reliability and safety are paramount.  FLEXXON WORM drives comes with a default WORM mode that does not require activation of any software application.  Capacities range from 8GB to 32GB.

Flexxon also offer WORM security in SD form with WORM SD and MicroSD card memory storage  capacities from 4GB to 256GB.

What do you get with the WORM kit?

For ease of use and portability Flexxon also provide a multifunctional card holder WORM kit.

 WORM test kit

The kit includes a Micro SD card, SIM eject tool, USB card reader, MicroSD to SD card adapter, giving you a complete data storage solution, and everything you need to try the product out for size.

The multiple connector works flawlessly with devices to log relevant data, ensure security, and prompts error notification once any illegal activity is attempted. Designed by a team of experts, it is an incredibly resourceful and reliable memory solution.