We’ve written about the Raspberry Pi before and for good reason: it really has taken the world by storm since it was released seven years ago.

And now, not content with “the world”, it appears to be taking space by storm too.

As reported by the BBC, the Pi was used by UK satellite company SSTL to take pictures of earth from outer space.

SSTL attached the unit to their DoT-1 satellite, and all they did to modify the Pi was to swap the standard lens for a fish-eye.

And guess what?

It worked beautifully.

I guess I’d given up being amazed by what the Pi is capable of, having seen how useful it has been in the past, but when you consider the cost of most things that end up being flown into space, and you realise that the Pi used by SSTL was a standard high street set-up that cost £50, you just have to take your hat off to their designers.

It’s another great example of how the Pi can be used in industrial applications.

You can read the full article HERE.

I’d also love to get your take on the Pi as an engineer – what’s the secret to its success? Have you used one before?

Please let me know….