A leaf out of an audiobook?

By 06/09/2018Blog

I’m currently reading a fantastic business book called “They Ask, You Answer”.

(I say ‘reading’, I’m actually listening to it – Audible helps me consume so many more books!)

The premise of the book is pretty simple: what questions do the prospective users of your product or service have, and can they find the answers to them?

The author’s idea is that the more you’re able to answer the questions going on in the mind of a potential customer or collaborator, the more they start to understand how your product can help them.

So, I’ve decided to take a leaf out of that book (I don’t think audiobooks have leaves, but let’s not quibble), and answer one of the key questions that a lot of people have when it comes to Datakey product:

QUESTION: What makes Datakey removable memory products physically more secure than consumer designed memory solutions like USB sticks and SD cards?

ANSWER: Ultimately, it comes down to the connection system and the proprietary range of connectors.

When you build a Datakey connector into your industrial system, you’re in TOTAL CONTROL of the portable memory that’s connected to your system.

The keys and/or tokens you use to transfer data are only supplied to you as the industrial system manufacturer, and you then have complete control of the supply to your customers, allowing you to know with total certainty that the only removable memory being connected to your industrial equipment is a Datakey memory key or token.

Building a USB A port into your industrial equipment is an entirely different kettle of fish.

Sure, you might supply the USB sticks to your customers, but the reality is that you have zero control over them purchasing other USB sticks that don’t interact with your system in the right way.

Worse still, there’s nothing to stop any one with access to the equipment inserting their own or a found USB stick increasing the risk of viruses being introduced to your system or data being removed.

There will of course be designs where the physical security is not paramount and in those cases, conventional USB or SD may meet your needs.

But if physical security is important, then it is worth considering industrial memory which features a unique connection system.

If you would like to understand more about why Datakey products are the choice of safety and security organisations all over the world, and whether or not they’d be useful for your organisation, then send me an email or give me a call.